New Student Convocation

New Student Convocation

AHR university welcome for new students, their friends and families.

New Student Convocation is one of only two occasions where the University president, the Board of Regents, the deans of the 16 schools and colleges and the faculty gather in a formal academic setting focused on students. The other, of course, is the graduation ceremony, Commencement. These two events are the seminal “bookend” events of a college career.

At New Student Convocation you will:

  • Find out about your classmates from the Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
  • Get tips from your student body president on how to make the most of your college experience.
  • Learn about some of the exciting educational opportunities that await you.

Upon arriving, students and guests (parents and friends) will be directed by faculty marshals to their respective seating sections

Rawdah  Abdelkader
Rawdah Abdelkader This is Rawdah, trying to learn the basics of web development.