Best study spots on campus

Best study spots on campus

Finals are just around the horizon, students have finally started to take things seriously (took them that long). to help with that we're going to provide the best places for students to get the most of their time.

Best study spots on campus

  • The library: this is where you should be if you want a calm and silent place to focus on your studies.
  • King Caffee: despite being a coffee shop this spot is a very good attraction for groups of students who know they are too loud for the library, being in the heart of the university makes this place even more special.
  • Level 4 Classes: another great place especially for long night studies

And of course there are other good spots as well, we gonna leave it up for students to discover them on their own, hit us up when you discover new places we all want to enjoy those.

Alil Hannan
Alil Hannan This is Hanna, working on learning the languages of web development.