Website goes live!!

Website goes live!!

After just one day of work the website is finally live and everything seems to be looking goo so far, considring the size of the project there is still a lot to be done but for now its running pretty good on my local host and also on github pages.

Then after few more days, the website developed more, this because we have identified problem that struggle us to continue and solve many code errors then everything start to be ok lastly. The codes that written by HTML, CSS and somehow JAVASCRIPT is in better form then HTML and css file is connected together properly.HTML that help in creating own website while CSS for designing the layout of the website then JAVASCRIPT can be the programming language of HTML and the Web. Also we have used jekyll that help to test offline before pushing up.

next step would be adding some more posts and also fixing various things, we just getting started fam.

Abubakar Yagoub
Abubakar Yagoub some guy who codes in bash , loves, works on and uses Manjaro KDE and not the biggest fan of web development for some reason